Thursday, January 25, 2007

Les Chiens

Oh, yes, the French love their dogs. You see them everywhere, even in shops and in restaurants.
Additionally, there is plenty of evidence on the streets to prove the French love their dogs.

These signs are all over Paris.

They say, “I love my quarter; I pick up.” Yeah, right. I have never once seen anyone clean up after a dog even though the small print at the bottom of the sign references an ordinance or law. This makes it tricky for a wide-eyed tourist walking around looking at sights, buildings, monuments—at everything but where she’s walking…
I read that a 2005 poll found that 62% of Parisians think their neighborhood is clean because of the "little green man."
But he doesn’t pick up after the dogs either—he only sweeps the streets and sidewalks and picks up litter and trash. Additionally, high-pressure hoses sluice every pavement at least once a week. (By the way, Paris spends more money per head on sanitation and street cleaning, it's said, than any city in the world. The reasons are obvious...)The green man, however, does makes “sweeps” through the neighborhood with little green trucks that are outfitted with big pressure hoses. He sprays the streets and sidewalks so they are clean again….until another chien trots by…