Sunday, January 21, 2007

Have a Baby?

I was noticing the other day how many small children and baby carriages I meet on the streets. And now a news item that confirms my observations: The 2006 census figures released this month report 830,000 new French bebes, which is the highest in 25 years! France now has the highest birth rate in the European Union with an average of two babies per woman (potentially even beating out Ireland). Because 10% of the workforce is now over 55 and life expectancy is still increasing (85 for women and 77.1 for men), the French government encourages an increased birth rate with tax breaks and other incentives. Like the US, having more children reduces the income tax you pay. But the French also receive 119 euros (current conversion $154) per month if they have two children and 272 euros ($353) if they have three. French women get 16 weeks of maternity leave for the first and second enfant and 26 weeks for the third (all while receiving their full salary!). French women make up 47.5% of the workforce and 80% of them work. Thought you’d enjoy hearing about something today besides what I eat!
This is a picture of kids swinging at the Luxembourg Gardens.