Monday, February 26, 2007

Time to Diet but There’s Hope…

OK, it’s time to stop with the chocolate, the wine, the pain au chocolates, the wonderful cherry cookies covered in vanilla and chocolate frosting, the goat cheese with honey, the special puddings, etc., etc., etc.; I've enjoyed taste-testing them all. But reality is headed my way on March 8th when I must return to my life in Houston. I won’t be walking 4-5 miles a day then so I can not continue with the eating habits that I’ve picked up—and especially since Suz arrived. We were even eating ice cream, which is something I hardly EVER do!

Mireille Guiliano recently wrote a book that got some attention in the US, “French Women Don’t Get Fat.” In every article and on every talk show when she was interviewed, Americans were intrigued and curious about how French women stay so thin. She had lots of ideas that make sense—eat small portions, walk, drink lots of water, don’t starve yourself until you binge on your cravings, etc.

But 30% of the French are overweight; 12% are considered obese (this compares with about 30% in the US). The country is not happy that within 9 years, the French population has gained on average slightly less than 5 pounds. Many people do not need or keep a car and many buildings do not have elevators. So they are forced to walk—at least to and from the bus or Metro—and go up and down many stairs. But they also eat very late in the evenings and there is that required glass or two of wine with dinner (and sometimes lunch..)

Then I see these statues and this graffiti—and I feel that size doesn’t matter. There’s hope for us girls. Right??