Thursday, February 1, 2007

Lighting Up in Paris

You’d think with all the smoking going on around Paris that I would be able to get a photo of some smokers. There are plenty around but I have felt a little intimidated about putting a camera in anyone's face. About 15 million people smoke in France (38% of men and 22% of women on a regular basis) and tobacco is the leading cause of death. Of particular concern is that smoking among women has doubled over the past decades.

Various smoking bans have been in place in other European countries (Italy, Belgium, Spain, and Britain) while France has continued to allow its citizens to smoke in public places unless banned by the establishment (like Starbucks). The European Commission is actually proposing a comprehensive ban on smoking in all public places in the EU by 2009. Smoking, like berets and baguettes, is very much a part of the French culture so there has been much grousing about a new law going into effect today.

The first phase of the countrywide smoking ban, effective today, prohibits smoking in offices, hospitals, schools, shops, and other public places. I’ve already seen crowds of smokers in front of these forbidden locations—shivering and stomping their feet to tolerate the cold—and complaining while taking deep drags off their Marlboros.

The second phase—and the real test for this anti-smoking legislation—begins on February 1, 2008 when nightclubs, hotels, restaurants, and cafes (oh NO!) will be required to have sealed smoking rooms that employees will not be required to enter. All remaining areas will be designated smoke-free. Small businesses that don’t have room to comply with this regulation will have no choice but to have a ban on all smoking in their establishments.

Many of the French people and the tourists, of course, are happy about these changes. And some of the restaurants and other businesses got an early start on preparing for the changes. Today when I made a reservation for Valentine’s Day (during the time Suz is here), the gentleman on the phone asked me if I wanted smoking or non-smoking. This was unheard of just a short time ago. So while some things never change….some things do, thank goodness!