Thursday, March 29, 2007

Montmartre's Stone Streets

A group calling itself the Collectif de la Societe Civile has sprung up to protest the city’s replacement of Montmartre’s traditional paving stones (paves) with ugly concrete, asphalt and tar. Supposedly, these paves are the type that were used for barricades built for and by various revolutionary and resistance movements.

There’s a Paris phone number to get more information about the movement, which hopes to block the paving machines. And I have no doubt they will do that and possibly be successful.
PS - You'll note that when you see Paris depicted in films or photos, the streets appear wet like it's recently rained. This may be true but the little green men also regularly pressure wash every pavement at least once a week, and three times a week, water floods the gutters. The reason is fairly obvious: to destroy all "evidence" of the dogs... (See post dated 1/25/07.)