Thursday, March 1, 2007

Louvre Coat Check Bracelet

I felt so silly when Suz explained that the coat check tag on a stretchy plastic loop at the Louvre could be worn on my wrist as a bracelet. I had been sticking it into my pocket or into my backpack. Well, here’s the reason not to wear it on your wrist. Sometime last night between the time I arrived and went to the restroom until I went to retrieve my coat, I’d lost the tag—still had the bracelet tucked inside my sweater sleeve but no identifying tag. Probably flushed it down the toilet.

Sooo, I got to embarrass myself again and describe my coat to the lady guarding the cloak room. I was able to point to where I thought it had been hung; she invited me behind the counter and told me to point to it as she flipped the automatic switch to twirl the racks. Then before she removed it from the rack, she asked me to describe it further—“anything in your pockets?”—etc. and complete some paperwork with my address (I used my Paris address), my Passport information, and flash my Amies du Louvre Pass (that should count for something!). So from now on, I’ll go back to zipping it into one of my backpack pockets….