Friday, January 12, 2007

The Sun Came Out Today!

And I didn’t want the day to end. Although cloudy most days with occasional sprinkles, there can be sun in January. So here are some pictures to prove it. I believe the temperature was in the upper 50s and we’re supposed to have the same on Sunday (the cloudy weather will make it easier for me to study tomorrow).

I first wandered through Rue Cler to see the market and the shoppers (notice the shopping caddies--I have a red one). Then, as you can see, I headed to the Eiffel Tower to take pictures of the ice skaters on the first level. Alas, my sources (some web site or email that I received before I left Houston) were mistaken—the ice skaters are finis for the holidays! Quel dommage (what a pity)! So I didn’t go up in the tower (six million people visit the Eiffel Tower every year) but walked and walked around the city taking pictures because the sun, as I said, doesn’t often make an appearance in the winter and I didn't want to miss any of it by being inside—put some more miles on these shoes! (PS--notice how they trim the trees to frame my Eiffel Tower picture--ha, ha.)
While leaning on a wall overlooking the Seine and my favorite bridge, Pont Alexandre III, a gentleman offered to take my picture. I declined but we visited for 20-25 minutes when he commented that it was nice to speak English once in awhile. Here from South Africa to attend a 10-day seminar, today was a free day and what a treat for him to have the sun shining. A summary of our conversation: He thinks that Paris is nice; too bad the French live here. He thinks they're rude and superior and I didn’t give him my opinion on that (see earlier blog). He has only seen the Eiffel Tower—he doesn’t like art; therefore, no Louvre, Orsay, Rodin, etc. I was suddenly at a loss to recommend anything else—although come to think of it, he didn’t ask! With all due respect, he wondered why we had elected George Bush for a second term—he feels that he should go back to school. He was impressed with the way Rudy Giuliani handled the aftermath of 9-11 and wasn’t surprised when I told him that he is considering a run for the White House. He wondered where Princess Diana had been killed--said that he, like her driver, would have to be drunk to drive in this traffic! He uses the “cornflakes conversion” method, and nothing fancier, to determine the value of his money in euros, dollars, pounds, etc. In other words, what does a box of cornflakes cost in the currency of choice and how does that compare with what it costs in his country? Okey-dokey… A pleasant break in my routine…

And tonight, another break in my routine. I have finally accepted an invitation to have dinner with Adrian (my LL). She’s stopping by at 8 PM. Remember when I was fast asleep at 8 PM?? To be truly French, I might as well throw in the towel and start going to bed later and sleeping later… A bientot!
(This is a picture of the Pont Alexandre III bridge dedicated in 1900.)